Quickly Let's understand FSSAI, Its Licensing & Registration

1. What does mean FSSAI?
FSSAI Stands for FOOD SAFETY AND STANDARDS AUTHORITY OF INDIA which is organisations that monitors and governs the food business in India.
2. FSSAI established under which Act?
FSSAI has been established under the Food safety and standards Act, 2006.
3. Why Registration/licensing under FSSAI necessary?
It is necessary to registration of FSSAI to avail the following benefit:
  • Ensure FOOD safety
  • Can get legal benefits
  • Build Goodwill
  • Create Consumer Awareness
  • Help to expand the business
4. What are the different categories of licenses?
  • Registration
  • Central licensing
  • State licensing
5. Which Food Business are eligible for FSSAI Registration, State Licenses and Central Licenses?
You have to examine first under which categories of registration/licenses your business falls and accordingly you have to apply for registration/licenses.
Following is a list of Food Business Operator falling under different categories.
Following Food Business Operator required Registration for FSSAI
Petty Food Business Operators (FBO) who himself manufactures or sells any article of food Petty retailer, hawker, itinerant (प्रवासी) vendor or a temporary stall holder or small scale or cottage or such other industries relating to food business or tiny food business operator having annual turnover up to Rs. 12 Lacs and/or whose
i. production capacity of food products does not exceed 100 kg or litres per day, or
ii. procurement or handling and collection of milk is up to 500 litres of milk per day, or
iii. slaughtering capacity is 2 large animals or 10 small animals or 50 poultry birds per day or less
Provided that a producer of milk who is a registered member of a dairy Cooperative Society registered under Cooperative Societies Act and supplies or sells the entire milk to the Society shall be exempted from this provision for registration
Following Food Business Operator required Central Licensing for FSSAI
 Dairy units including milk chilling units equipped to handle or process more than 50,000 liters of liquid milk/day or 2500 MT of milk solid per annum.
 Vegetable oil processing units and units producing vegetable oil by the process of solvent extraction and refineries including oil expeller unit having installed capacity more than 2 MT per day.
 All slaughter houses equipped to slaughter more than 50 large animals or 150 or more small animals including sheep and goats or 1000 or more poultry birds per day.
 Meat processing units equipped to handle or process more than 500 kg of meat per day or 150 MT per annum.
 All food processing units other than mentioned under (I) to (IV) including relabellers and repackers having installed capacity more than 2 MT/day except grains, cereals and pulses milling units.
 100 % Export Oriented Units.
 All Importers importing food items including food ingredients and additives for commercial use.
 All food business operators manufacturing/ processing/ importing any proprietary food for which NOC has been given by FSSAI.
 Registered/ Head office of FBOs operating in two or more states.
 Food catering services in establishments and units under Central government Agencies like Railways, Air and airport, Seaport, Defence etc.
 Hotels with 5 star and above accreditation.
 All E-commerce food businesses
Following Food Business Operator required State Licensing for FSSAI
 All FBOs except mentioned in categories of business which required registration and Central License.
 All grains, cereals and pulses milling units irrespective of their production capacity.
6. What is the maximum period for which FSSAI License/Registration can be applied?
FSSAI license can be applied or renewed for 1 year up to maximum 5 years at a time
7. Do I need to mention all food products at the time of registration?
Yes. If you failed to mention all products, then the Licence will be treated as “Conducting business without licenses” and shall be prosecuted under relevant section of the FSS Act, 2006.
8. What Document required for the FSSAI licenses/Registration?
You will get the list of document according to kind of your food business and it is available on this link – https://foodlicensing.fssai.gov.in/ under supporting document list.
9. What is Fees Structure for registration /Licensing of FSSAI
Fees Structure for Registration and Central Licensing as follows:
Fees Structure for State Licence of FSSAI as follows: (For One Year)
10. What is improvement notice and who issue improvement notice?
The improvement notice is the notice issued by Designated Officer if FBO fails to comply with the regulations as mentioned in Section 32 of the FSS Act, 2006.
11. Is Designated Officer give opportunity to being heard before suspend the licenses/registration?
Yes. Designated Officer issued the show caused notice before suspend or cancellation of registration/license.
12. Once the FSSAI license suspended/ cancelled, can Food business operator make fresh application? If yes, when he can make a fresh application for FSSAI licenses?
YES. A food business operator can make fresh application after expiry of 3 months from the date of cancellation of earlier licenses to the concerned authority if all observations made in the improvement notice have been complied with.
13. Can I File Appeal Against the order issued by concerned authority regarding registration/licensing?
YES. You can File Appeal before the Commissioner of Food Safety and his decision will be fine.
14. Within how much period of time I can file an Appeal?
You have to file appeal within fifteen days from the date of date on which notice of the decision served.
15. Is it necessary to apply for renewal of licenses/registration before expiry of existence licenses?
if it is not applied before the expiry of license/registration. Once the license/registration is expired, the FBO has to apply afresh for a new licenses/ registration.
16. In how many days advance, renewal of licenses or registration can be filed ?
A License or registration renewal application can be made as early as 120 days in advance.
17. Is there any penalty if not file renewal application in advance ?
Yes . Renewal has to be filed not later than 30 days prior to expiry of License to avoid the late fee. A late fee of Rs. 100/- per day is calculated and added to renewal fee of License. i.e. if you are applying for renewal on last day of expiry, a late fee of Rs. 100 x 30 = Rs. 3000 will be added to the renewal fee of License
18. How to identify the category of FSSAI License/Registration by number?
FSSAI License number is of 14 digits and starts with ‘1’ while FSSAI Registration number is also of 14 digits and starts with ‘2’. 
Further, the first three digit pattern of FSSAI Central License out of 14 digit- License number is „100xxxxxxxxxxx‟.
19. What is a maximum time limit for the issue of FSSAI registration Certificate after applying?
The registration authority has to issue FSSAI registration within 7 days of the date of making application.
If Registration authority wants to conduct inspection of the premises, it must be done within 30 days of the date of application.
20. What is a maximum time limit for the issue of FSSAI LICENSING (Central/State) after applying?
The Licensing authority has to issue FSSAI licensing within 60 days of the date of making application (this period includes scrutinization of application and Inspection of premises)
21. If FSSAI registration certificate or licenses not issued within the time limit then what can I do?
You can submit the appeal before the commissioner of food safety.
22. Is FOOD license is transferable?
Yes. In the Event of death of the licenses holder, the licenses can be transfer in the name of legal representative or any family member of deceased.
23. Within how much period of time the transfer of licences application have to file before the concern authority?
(a) Period of 90 days from the date of death of the holder of a Registration certificate or license; or
(b) Such longer period as the Designated Officer may allow, for reasons to be recorded in writing.
24. It is necessary to file Annual return for food business activities? If yes what is a time limit for filing return?
 You have to submit you annual return by 31st May of every preceding financial year. (Manufacturing including repacking and manufacturing of food products by third party manufacturer)
 Manufacturer of milk and milk product need to submit half yearly return within one month of completion of previous half year
 Merchant exporter can file annual report through online system.
25. What is a Penalty if Annual return for food not filed within given period of time ?
Will attract late fees of Rs. 100/- per day till submission of return
26. Do I need registration//Licenses for business Packaging of material for packaging of food?
27. Can I file complaint against Food Business Operator (FBO) ? if yes , where I can file ?
YES. You can file complaint against the FBO. You can raise you grievance At FSSAI’s food safety connect portal https://foodlicensing.fssai.gov.in/cmsweb .
28. If any Food Business Operator done any offence related the food manufacturing or selling, is Authority imposed any penalties on Food Business Operator? and if then explain the same?
Yes. The Penalty imposed as per the offence done the FBO as follows